Static Site Generators
I previously wrote a blog post about how I’ve got my current setup with dreamwidth. I liked DW’s tag structure, but I hated how SSGs made you write posts in Markdown.
After getting over that hurdle (I still find it kind of annoying), the next biggest problem was finding a blog theme that I liked. I’ve checked out a bunch of themes from Hugo, Jekyll, Hexo, etc. but I couldn’t really find anything that was simple AND attractive, until now.
I found this absolutely gorgeous Fuwari theme from Saicaca.
Waiting for
My New Blog
After cloning the github repo, I found that editing the config file isn’t too hard. Most of the code is readable, and everything is preloaded. I’m already pretty happy with how everything looks, so I’ve decided to finally commit to this blog instead of forwarding to my dreamwidth archive.
I still don’t like having to write in markdown, but at least the blog is nice to look at now. All my posts will still be archived on DW because I don’t trust myself not to screw something up, like the test run I had with 11ty and Hugo.
I hate the experience I had with SSGs so far (especially with trying to hook-up a 3rd party CMS), but I’m going to try straight markdown for now. If I need rich text conversions, I’ll probably look up another tool online.
This has been a really annoying saga, but I’m gonna keep sticking with this until it breaks.